
Thursday, January 9, 2014

December Patch Set Update Bonanza

Quite a few Patch Set Updates were released for the EPM products in December. The latest ones for HFM and Planning (both PSU 306) are probably the biggest updates and include lots of fixes for both products. HFM for example has received further improvements to web data form performance and two handy utilities - HFM Application Backup Utility and HFM Index Update Utility - have made a comeback. Have a look at the readme files for more details and the prerequisites!

Oracle Business Analytics - Proactive Support blog: December EPM "Patch Set Updates" released

1 comment :

  1. Hello Henri
    The patch set update you mention for HFM has an error in the Oracle support links so cannot get the detail. Do you know what the details are around the improvements in the web data form performance?


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